What is ‘self love’?

In my perspective, practicing self-love involves making choices that will be appreciated by my future self.

Opting for a gym session before work may be a challenge for my present self, but the rewards of a stronger and more dedicated mind and body make it a choice my future self will cherish.

Choosing to consume the right amount of fruits and vegetables might require an adjustment for my current self, especially compared to fast-food habits. However, the long-term benefits of proper nourishment will be enjoyed by my future self.

Engaging in a challenging conversation with a loved one might feel uncomfortable in the moment, but my future self will value the absence of lingering resentment.

Take a moment to reflect: What decisions can I make today that my future self will be grateful for tomorrow or in 10 years?

Also, consider: What choices did I make a decade ago that are either empowering or hindering my present self?

For me, self-love isn’t just about comforting my present self but rather, it’s about respecting the person I aspire to become in the future.

If your future self would applaud you for intense training today, mindful eating, or simply acquiring more knowledge about the body, seize the opportunity and don’t procrastinate!