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My story.

Gianluca Pörtner

Hi! My name is Gianluca “Gian” Pörtner and my deep-seated belief is to transform life into a healthier space. Here’s why it means so much to me.

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From my earliest memories, I’ve been drawn to the challenge of pushing both my mind and body beyond their limits. Whether it was swiftly advancing through levels on my handheld Game Boy, lost in the world of Pokémon, or relentlessly striving for a new personal best on the track, the innate desire to surpass myself has been a constant force. Guided by the unwavering belief instilled in me by my parents, who assured me that any goal was attainable with determination, I set my mind ablaze with purpose.

At the age of 9, my passion ignited for my local ‘football club’—a team that not only introduced me to physical competition but also ranked us on a regional leaderboard. I was captivated. Each day, each mile, each step; a conscious choice to push myself further. At the beginning of the school year I envisioned our name at the top of the seasons leaderboard, and I knew that with enough work, I could turn this vision into a reality. After pushing myself daily for an entire year (sure Gianluca, that’s what you thought with 9 years of age), we ended up ranking #1. This laid the groundwork for a powerful realization: hard, consistent work will yield rults.

At 14 years old, I began playing MMORPGs, a genre that changed my life forever. It fascinated me, consumed me, to a level I could not yet comprehend. Many games also had a leaderboard, this time, on a global scale. Now, a new challenge presented itself; with millions of players ranking against one another, could I be the best?

I set up my day in order to progress, i.e. I finished my homework during my lunch hour, ran home from school, and completed my chores as fast as possible in order to practice longer. My idea of a fun weekend consisted of my laptop and logging in to a world with infinite potential — I lived and breathed the competition. After many, many years of dedicated practice (and many, many failures) I became a top ranked player.

At 16 years old, I played more and more different games and on weekends, I went partying with my school friends which consumed my days, my life became more and more one-dimensional. Something was missing.

At 20 years old, during my ‘sophomore year’ of college, I turned from partying in a club on weekends to working at concerts and festivals, as through college, I met ‘Lea’, who introduced me to Universal Music Group and I started touring with artists like Macklemore, G-Eazy and Halsey. What a dream job to have next to studying at my, so to speak, small little college of Bielefeld (in Germany, people say this city doesn’t even exist).

Monday, listening to a module on private law, Tuesday, ‘math and statistics’, Friday, driving to the LANXESS arena in Cologne to set up everything for the show. Saturday – match day! Best part about all of this – the complete contrast and getting to know so many inspiring people.

I will never forget learning that posting a story from a restaurant on Halsey’s IG account is not the best idea – at least if you don’t like crazy people pressing their faces on the window… it’s hard to explain… but these irrelevant moments were what mattered the most… and changed my life and beliefs forever… however, I hit a breaking point. 

Although I was pushing my mind each day, my body was growing weaker. I looked at myself in the mirror: I looked frail at 65kg, I had little to no muscle mass, my immune system was weak, and my nutrition was poor — I was unhealthy. This had to change. I spent the next few years diving into the scientific literature behind building a strong and capable body. A new challenge stared me in the face, can I maximize the potential of my body while maintaining a top ranking in the game?

 “It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable” 


It wasn’t long into my fitness journey that I realized the world of gaming and the world of fitness weren’t all that different; in both worlds I was addicted to the exact same thing — progression, adventures and getting better. After delving into the many myths of the fitness industry (i.e. fad diets, no days off, and useless supplements) I slowly discovered what wasn’t effective. After reaching both extremes in the gym and in the kitchen, I found a regimen that worked for me, delivered results, and a methodology I could adhere to.

At 26 years old, I thought my life was fairly balanced; watching Netflix all through the night, waking up after just a few hours to train and work, and repeating this (with no days off) for months, and months, and months on end. I was making progress in the gym, and my job was doing great, but it wasn’t until I really visualized my dreams, that I realized the inherent imbalances of my lifestyle. I was escaping. I’d been escaping the whole time and I had to finally look. I didn’t know what I wanted to say, I wasn’t sleeping on a normal schedule, socializing, prioritizing family time, taking time to step back and reflect and… doing what I love to do. Stare at it,… understand it,… and then leave – so, I went ghost. 

In mid 2022, I went on a trip to Dublin, Ireland and I didn’t know what I would leave the journey with, but I do now. I was too comfortable… and being comfortable is what kills peoples dreams and beliefs. Within months of meeting myself again after the trip to Dublin, this all changed. I was sleeping at a ‘normal’ time, waking up early, working on other aspects of the business together during the day, and focussing on what I love in the afternoons. What I couldn’t find in a game, in a club, on a concert, in a hotel room or on the road to my hometown, I found in the middle of nowhere. No reception.


Embracing life not out of obligation, but as a precious opportunity we’ve been granted. I had lost sight of that.

Life was never meant to be scripted, manufactured, or turned into a commodity. It was meant to be the unpredictable force that challenges the status quo, sparks conversations, and transforms our thoughts and emotions.

In a world where gaming increasingly defines the childhood of our youth, I aspire to break free from the conventional mold. I want to demonstrate that you can maintain your health, uphold your values and beliefs, and still stand as a top-tier gamer.

Mistakes are a common thread that binds us together, woven into the fabric of our shared experiences. We play side by side, cry together, celebrate our communities, question our politics, share laughter, screams, and imaginative dreams—ultimately, we live.

If you’re not scared about what you’ve created, you’re not finished yet. Embrace discomfort, embark on your journey, weave memories into the tapestry of life, and contribute to making our world a healthier and more vibrant place.

I truly belief that each of us is able to achieve our wildest dreams.

So – when I found out how special and beautiful the world we all live in truly is, I started dreaming again.

Dreaming of exploring and capturing in my own way the most interesting places and people I can find to me.

So this is my journey and my story of how I manifest exaclty that – how I make my dreams come true.