There is no such thing as losing.


My grandmother instilled in me the belief that every action in life leads to positive outcomes, creating a realm of ‘win-wins.’

Consider the scenario of applying for a new job. There are two potential outcomes: either we secure the job or we don’t.

In the first scenario, we land the job, marking it as a clear win.

In the second scenario, we don’t get the job. Surprisingly, that’s also a win. We acquire valuable experience in improving our interview skills, gain deeper insights into ourselves, and have the opportunity to search for a job better suited to our needs.

She encouraged me to approach life in a manner where every outcome is perceived as a great one — the perfect outcome, even if its greatness isn’t immediately apparent.

Did I sustain a knee injury, or did I gain an experience that will enhance my understanding of how to rebuild and strengthen it?

Did I lose a close relative, or did I gain a perspective on what truly matters in life?

Once we transform these thought patterns within our minds, everything takes on a new light.

Now, go out there and win!